We have recently been in touch with a highly-regarded psychic friend of ours, who told us it was a good time for a trip to Devil's Tower, as there was abundant spiritual energy there to tap into .
Well, it turns out that it was true. We had some questions concerning our place in the world, and we felt this was a good time to ask the spirits for guidance and strength.
After several days of rain here in Iowa, the clouds parted on the way across South Dakota, and by the time we reached the Black Hills, the sun was shining. We decided on a quick drive through Spearfish Canyon to augment our journey. It was beautiful, as the fall colors were in full force.
We arrived at the beautiful Devil's Tower Best Western Hotel in little Hulett, Wyoming, and I had just enough daylight left to snap some photos. Seems, however, that the zoom on my camera was not working properly. Oh well, I thought, I'll just use the largest pixel setting on my camera and edit the pictures down when I get home.
The next morning we were a bit dismayed to find a veil of fog blanketing the area when we got up. But after breakfast and some time in the hot tub, we discovered that the fog was beginning to lift, so we drove off to the tower.
We were careful to approach the tower with proper respect, as we were very aware of the spirits' activity. I could only wish all the other tourists would have been so thoughtful, but the spirits seemed to allow my forgiveness for them. Kind of a Jesus thing, I guess. Didn't know I had the power. Wow.
Then the spirits graciously allowed the veil of fog over the tower to dissipate as we walked around the trail circling the tower. And as I prayed and snapped pictures, the spirits must have felt I was a worthy visitor, because suddenly the zoom on my camera began working again.
We were just finishing our walk when a group of tourists rushed by us on the trail; some of them were giddy and others more aware of the spiritual presence. I guess the spirits accepted them, as I was gently reminded that admonishment on my behalf wasn't appropriate.
I was able to get all the photos I wanted, including the lucky shot you see here. You may see the other pictures I took on my links list.
On the road back to Sundance to head home, the fog rolled back in, followed by rain. I don't have much doubt that was the spirits wishing us peace.
I was left with a sense that it is time in my life to get my own spirit in order with the cosmos, and I think I'm on my way. It's not necessary for me to worry about what negativity others may wish to spread; I am content with my own inner peace. That is all that matters.
We are making plans to come through here next summer, and to spend another night in Hulett on our way to Glacier National Park. I am sure there will be at least a brief pause on the road alongside the tower, if only to re-energize from the marvelous spiritual energy I that was very honored and grateful to receive on this journey. I am very much looking forward to that.