Shown here hanging with Screech the Cat.
I'll be working for the Tornow family this summer up in North Dakota, so I figured I'd 'trim' myself up a bit to leave a good impression. No sense in looking like an Indian up in the part of the country where Indians have a bad rap. Besides, I am planning on having this pay off for me in the long run, and, after all, it'll grow back, won't it? By this fall I may even begin to be my old self again; we'll see, huh?
Not planning on doing anything exciting enough this summer to mention in this blog, but, hey, you never really know with this guy. So if I do find some adventure I'll slide down to the Bismarck Library and borrow a computer and blather all about it.
So, like, have a good one and all that. See ya round.
Follow Up
Save some very nice sight-seeing (Teddy Roosevelt National Park, Lake Sakakawea), and some cool things I got to keep for my troubles, the summer was rather uneventful. I will say one thing about Bismarck, though. Beautiful bike trails all over town and down by the river, and many, many nice-looking ladies on the sidewalks and bike paths. Mmmm, mmmm, mmmm. Too bad my digital camera died while I was up there; I could have documented some of that.
And by the time we got back, many of the barn cats had disappeared, including Screech. Take care, friends. Hope you are well.