We have recently been in touch with a highly-regarded psychic friend of ours, who told us it was a good time for a trip to Devil's Tower, as there was abundant spiritual energy there to tap into .
Well, it turns out that it was true. We had some questions concerning our place in the world, and we felt this was a good time to ask the spirits for guidance and strength.
After several days of rain here in Iowa, the clouds parted on the way across South Dakota, and by the time we reached the Black Hills, the sun was shining. We decided on a quick drive through Spearfish Canyon to augment our journey. It was beautiful, as the fall colors were in full force.
We arrived at the beautiful Devil's Tower Best Western Hotel in little Hulett, Wyoming, and I had just enough daylight left to snap some photos. Seems, however, that the zoom on my camera was not working properly. Oh well, I thought, I'll just use the largest pixel setting on my camera and edit the pictures down when I get home.
The next morning we were a bit dismayed to find a veil of fog blanketing the area when we got up. But after breakfast and some time in the hot tub, we discovered that the fog was beginning to lift, so we drove off to the tower.
We were careful to approach the tower with proper respect, as we were very aware of the spirits' activity. I could only wish all the other tourists would have been so thoughtful, but the spirits seemed to allow my forgiveness for them. Kind of a Jesus thing, I guess. Didn't know I had the power. Wow.
Then the spirits graciously allowed the veil of fog over the tower to dissipate as we walked around the trail circling the tower. And as I prayed and snapped pictures, the spirits must have felt I was a worthy visitor, because suddenly the zoom on my camera began working again.
We were just finishing our walk when a group of tourists rushed by us on the trail; some of them were giddy and others more aware of the spiritual presence. I guess the spirits accepted them, as I was gently reminded that admonishment on my behalf wasn't appropriate.
I was able to get all the photos I wanted, including the lucky shot you see here. You may see the other pictures I took on my links list.
On the road back to Sundance to head home, the fog rolled back in, followed by rain. I don't have much doubt that was the spirits wishing us peace.
I was left with a sense that it is time in my life to get my own spirit in order with the cosmos, and I think I'm on my way. It's not necessary for me to worry about what negativity others may wish to spread; I am content with my own inner peace. That is all that matters.
We are making plans to come through here next summer, and to spend another night in Hulett on our way to Glacier National Park. I am sure there will be at least a brief pause on the road alongside the tower, if only to re-energize from the marvelous spiritual energy I that was very honored and grateful to receive on this journey. I am very much looking forward to that.
"It's when the body at the bottom, That body is my own reflection But it ain't hip to sink that low Unless you're gonna make a resurrection They're always gonna come to your door They're gonna say, "It's just a routine inspection" But what you get when you open your door What you get is just another injection And there's always gonna be one more With just a little bit less until the next one They wait in shadows and steal the light from your eyes To them vision's just some costly infection But listen, you should come with me I'm the fire, I'm the fire's reflection I'm just a constant warning Just a constant warning to take the other direction
Mister, I am your connection."
Copyright Earl McGrath Music/Jim Carroll Music ASCAP (1980)
Thanks for the poetry and the autograph, friend. I'll try to keep your light on.
Onabike 2009 pictures now up. 63 miles through the beautiful Loess Hills of Western Iowa, in a time of 4 1/2 hours; average speed 14 mph. Pretty good for me. See the link on the right.
A couple of summers ago I noticed that we have two mulberry trees in our yard. I didn't really know what to do with them until I Googled it today. Turns out mulberries are very high in resveratrol, which is a powerful antioxidant.
So this represents my first harvest of the berries. A little bit sweet, but delicious, and they leave your fingers (and teeth) red. Depending on how much ambition I have, I may either try drying them or making a pie or jam. We'll see.
Of course Athos wanted to check out the situation, but after her first investigation, she went to look for something else to do. No doubt she would prefer something she could chase, like a bug or a mouse. That's fine with me.
A guy came up to the farm a couple of days ago with this photo, taken about a week ago.
I had seen a plane flying around then, but really didn't pay it much mind. If I had known he was going to take a photo, I would have cleaned up around the barn a little more (normally I don't care that much). Buckaroo is on the right.
But this is my liberal little sanctuary in the midst of all the conservatism, for better or worse. You're still all welcome to come hang out.
Being a bleeding liberal in a really, really conservative part of Iowa has its stresses. I guess I shouldn't need to say that (again).
So I have to try to find stuff to concentrate on that remind me of the good things about living here. One of those is Dog Creek County Park, just two miles south of the farm.
Featuring two small campgrounds and a beautiful man-made lake, it is a regular stop on my fair-weather bike journeys.
I recently chose a calm spring day (very rare here in Iowa) to take some pictures to show you of this lovely place. This is a view of my swimming course, from the beach across the lake and back. Can't wait for the water to get warm enough to start enjoying that.
And of course I had to baptize the Trek in the waters of Dog Creek Lake. This is my beloved bicycle, in whom I am well pleased.
You are all invited to come on down for a ride and a dip in the lake with me.
What do you think of when you think of Omaha? Cow manure? Marlin Perkins getting mauled by an angry beast on Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom?
I wasn't sure what to expect when we first went down to drop a couple of violins off for servicing at Nielsen's Violin Shop downtown. What I saw, and experienced the next weekend, completely changed my perspective on this wonderful Midwestern city.
The people who live and work in, and manage, Omaha have done a marvelous job over the past several years of transforming their city into a vibrant, progressive haven for lovers of art, history, culture, and fine living.
In a space of just over a day and a half, we stayed near, and greatly enjoyed, the Old Market area, ate an outrageously marvelous variety of foods, saw a world-class classical concert (Nadja Salerno-Sonnenberg and the Assad Brothers) at the world-class Holland Performing Arts Center, toured the magnificent Joslyn Art Museum, hitched a ride in one of these lovely horse-drawn carriages, and walked the new Senator Bob Kerrey pedestrian bridge across the Missouri River. Sensory overload to the max, and I was beat by the time we left to come back home. I can't wait to go do it again.
We didn't even leave the downtown area, this time. There's lots more to enjoy all over the city, which we are looking forward to many times in the future. If you ever find yourself around Omaha, don't worry about not having anything to do. They've got you covered, and then some.
(I've posted more of these photos on my MySpace page; follow the links.)
In honor of Tony Banks' birthday, from his first solo album:
My name is unimportant And my job you could call mean But I like the work and I do it well That's enough for me.
I think there was a time when I Could do, and did, much more. I have dreams in which I captain the ship And hear the ocean roar.
I've lived alone for all I can remember That only means some six or seven years. I would rather be nobody else, I'm happy as I am. All I need is in my way And you see no one expects too much from me.
People cry, but no one asks me to advise them. They want to know but they don't ask me how. That's for someone else and not for me, I don't know. Lucky me.
My friends think that I should be trying To find out who I was. But I feel that road would bring me pain And too much would be lost.
How I am is how I'm meant to be now, Anyhow there's things I see more clearly Than those whose heads are searching in the clouds to make discoveries, And maybe fail to see What's on the ground beneath their feet, not hard to find.
People cry, but no one asks me to advise them They want to know but they don't ask me how, That's for someone else and not for me, I don't know. Lucky me.
I'm not the most religious guy around, but yesterday we had the chance to pay our second visit to the Grotto of the Redemption in West Bend, Iowa. I have posted about 60 photos.
Words and photos do not do this magnificent structure justice. If you ever get the chance to come experience it, I highly encourage you to do so.
This is a photo of my Grandfather, John James Miles, standing in front of the fountain on the east side of Saints Peter and Paul Catholic Church in November of 1962.
This is the same view, on March 21, 2009. It is very reassuring to note how well this has been preserved, and a very spiritual feeling to follow in my Grandpa's footsteps. Next time I go I will stand where he did in the picture.
Since MySpace gives me unlimited photo room, I posted my pictures there. (Due to extreme lighting conditions, it was necessary to process all of these through Photo Shop.) Click on MySpace, then Photos.
I just sat down and watched 'Religulous', the movie with Bill Maher. I consider myself lucky that Netflix was able to get it to me the first day it came out on DVD. I am grateful to them.
It's a good movie, and it makes (at least) a couple of very valid points. One is that there are many people who do many incredible things in the name of religion. Another is that there are a great number of people in this world who seem to think that the pursuit of (probably nuclear) Armageddon is somehow justified in the advancement of their religious ideology. Maher, at the end of the movie, brings this point home with a bang. Literally.
He makes his point in a way that is sure to infuriate the faithful. One of the first things you notice is that his documentarial (if that's a word) methodology is confrontational. He enters the movie with the pretext that religious fanatics are severely delusional, and he isn't afraid to gather groups of religious people together, and then either constantly interrupt their answers to his questions (ala Chris Matthews), or to harass them outright. His audacity is impressive, but if Itry that I tend to get beaten up. Anyway, a lot of this is meant to be put in a humorous context, but that's really left up to the viewer. You'll get out of this movie what you come into it with. I personally didn't think it was that thigh-slapping hilarious, mostly because the subject matter is, to me, pretty serious stuff.
There are other ways to make one's point when dealing with opposing ideologies. One of my personal favorites is to assume as much of a non-threatening air as I can (assuming of course I am actually capable of doing this - some people don't think I am). I call this the 'Give 'em enough rope' philosophy, named after that early Clash record. Let them go long enough, they'll hang themselves. Of course, that means I have to stifle any of my own opinions, which could be construed as a form of lying or manipulating my subjects. It's unclear how much of this Maher did during the actual filming process; in the movie's final edit, he goes right for the jugular.
This movie isn't going to change anyone's mind, as I mentioned earlier. The faithful are going to scream blasphemy, and the atheists are going to say they told us so.
I talk about my feelings concerning God elsewhere in this blog. Look there to see all of that; I don't need to repeat myself.
But one of the main points in this movie is that freedom can be a dangerous thing. Just as godless people have the right to have their views, so do the zealots. And they are inevitably going to clash. We can only hope that doesn't end up dooming our fragile planet.
John Lennon wrote that about 40 years ago. For many, many years I thought that was pretty cynical. I mean, isn't God supposed to be about Joy and Love and all that groovy stuff?
You have to look into what Lennon was going through when he penned those immortal words. At the time he was facing the loss of his part in the world's most successful musical enterprise, which he helped start in order to get away from an extremely dysfunctional upbringing. If anyone knew pain, it was John Lennon.
John eventually learned that in order to be at peace with God, you need to be at peace with yourself first. (It seemed to work for him; when he re-surfaced from his self-imposed exile with 'Double Fantasy' in 1980, he seemed to be much happier.) I think the Bible says something like that: Let peace begin with me. Look it up. Bibles are easy to find.
There are all sorts of people all over the world who claim to speak for God. They tell you, "God wants this, God wants that, etc." Really? How do you know this for sure? God told you? Oh. Okay. Let's think about that.
I'm about halfway through a book called 'The God Delusion' by the British scientist and author Richard Dawkins. He tries to explain how unlikely it really is that God exists, using the argument that it's pretty darn unlikely that the being that created a universe that we can't even comprehend the limits of is constantly vigilant of our innermost thoughts, dreams, and mortal temptations.
I suspect Dawkins is really saying that the people who actually believe all this unlikeliness have got a short-sighted agenda that they're trying to exert over the rest of us in order to gain some type of authority, or worse yet, control.
Do I think he has a point? Well, yeah. I'll try to explain.
When I went through my divorce, I went through a psychoanalytical regimen that included a thorough period of self-evaluation. The idea was to face the pain so I could deal with it, accept it, and learn and grow from it. This included a stint with Alcoholics/Narcotics Anonymous, which basically works on the same premise. You search, you accept, and you ask God for forgiveness and guidance. The thing I really loved about AA was that their definition of God was left to one's own conception; "however you perceive him to be". I called him God because of my strict Catholic upbringing. Others called him Spirit, or HP (for Higher Power; now when I hear computer people discuss HP I have to chuckle.)
Here's what I learned.
There is a spiritual power within each one of us, a power that we don't understand. A lot of people like to call it God. Dr. M. Scott Peck, in his book "The Road Less Traveled", suggests our unconscious is God. It's worth thinking about, at least. Anyway, this power does all sorts of things for us, many of which are really weird. Things like ESP, communicating with the dead, creating works of art. You could think of all sorts of stuff. In addition to providing us with a moral compass to guide our daily lives, this spirit also heals us.
But you have to work at it; it doesn't just pop up out of the sky one day. The 4th step in AA says to conduct 'a searching and fearless moral inventory'. I will tell you flat out that is probably the hardest thing I have ever done. Pain, serious fucking pain, folks. Lennon was right on.
But you know what? When you finally feel like you really can't take any more and you're so fucking desperate you'll try anything, you go to a meeting (or therapy session) and finally heed the advice you've been hearing so much about and surrender to that spirit so it can heal you. And that is when you begin to understand God. The God you have been looking for is right there within you. And it is absolutely marvelous. It is worth all the trouble.
I am not comfortable putting myself in a position to judge people who claim to be agents of God (I could probably think of a better term, but I think you catch my drift). The Bible, as well as common sense, tells us that's God's job. Well, at least that's a good way of passing that buck.
But I can tell within a short period of time which people are using their God-given strengths for the right reasons.
This is probably a good time to bring in Jesus. When you look at what He taught, you can justify the connection between himself and His Righteous Father. Too bad so many people lose sight of that. Assuming they had sight of that in the first place.
Does God know the innermost depths of your soul? He doesn't need to; you already do. Does God know the answers to all your troubles? He doesn't need to do that, either, for the same reason.
God isn't into guilt, or fear, or emotional manipulation. The part of your soul that houses those things just hasn't had the light shone on it yet. The light you possess. The light you can turn on right now. Stop your whining, stop your bitching, stop your accusing, and get to work on yourself. Because the honest truth is that when you make peace with your own soul, every reason for worrying about what everyone else does flies right out the window.
Is God in heaven? Who knows? Does it matter? Maybe. Too bad we don't find out for sure until it's too late to change it. In fairness to the Heaven People, it probably doesn't hurt us to live a life that will assure us entrance to that glorious afterlife. That would also mean that you are following Jesus' words in the true sense, and loving your neighbor as yourself. No guilt, no fear, no cheating, no violence, no crime. Oh, don't panic. There's still lots of fun to be had. Jesus liked his wine, too. And there's got to be a reason why marijuana grows on this earth (but that's for another time).
When I first started this blog, I did it with the notion that I would finally free myself to write about what I felt was important to me and to my view of the world. That is why I chose to include the little ‘possible objectionable material’ disclaimer that you see whenever you click on the link to get here. (Update: I have since removed this disclaimer.) Seems like a lot of people in this world are scared shitless of controversy – not me, folks. Not any more, anyway.
So after writing some nice clean little stories about some of my escapades, now I feel it’s time to dive in head-first about one of my very favorite topics of alltime – sex.
I was a little nervous about just giving this post the title of 'Sex' - makes it sound like that book by Madonna, and you can imagine what I think of all that. Then I thought, "Well, we can call it 'Procreation', which sounds too scientific (and by natural extension not smart-ass enough), or some obscured variation to that: 'Professional Creation', maybe? Or get even weirder and call it 'Confessional Probation'? Wait, that one's got too many other possibilities. Let's go back one step and leave it at this for now." Anyway....
I’ve always had a really strong sex drive. Must run in the family; a lot of my relation is a result of liberal procreation (this phrase could have multiple intended meanings). In this case that means my folks, their brothers and sisters, and many of their ancestors, had boatloads of kids. Lots of rompin’ in the sack. Or wherever they did it in those days. The back of the roadster, perhaps. Good for them. I can only hope it was fun. I'm sure it was, anyway, if only for at least a few seconds.
But nobody explained to me while I was growing up what those wild feelings in my loins meant. At least they never gave me any good explanations. Sex was always dirty, something you didn’t talk about, something you should be ashamed of. What the hell is wrong with you? (That question will be addressed in a future post.)
So that left me to my own devices about how to find out about it. Shopping catalogs, suggestive photos in any print media I could find, whatever. And having a mother that regularly tore her way through everything I owned meant that any of my discoveries were not privately held for any length of time. Oh yeah, Terry, let’s add shame and embarrassment to this whirlwind of emotions you’re trying to cope with. Right fucking on.
So, anyway, when I finally made it out on my own, this search got a little more methodical. Playboy, Penthouse, Hustler, etc., at last started answering some of those lingering questions. Some. But not nearly all.
And the search for more and more knowledge has really been non-stop. Kind of a parallel to the continuing quest for knowledge about everything, you could say.
Hugh Hefner once got taken to task by Mike Wallace on a very old episode of ’60 Minutes’ about why Playboy (seemingly) advocated sex in its pages. Hugh had a very good answer. Playboy, he explained, was a lifestyle magazine, and contemporary lifestyle issues needed to address sexual responsibility. Face it, deal with it, learn how to use it, and grow. Hmmmm. Could this actually be common sense we are addressing?
And that brings me to a major point (one of several, as you are finding out). Sexual knowledge is not only power, it’s confidence. Sexually confident people are also socially responsible people.
My ignorance about sex when I was younger could have been disastrous, just as sexual ignorance has been disastrous for countless numbers of horny folks throughout time. I’m lucky it was only embarrassing. Didn’t feel lucky at the time, but you catch my drift. I think.
I’ve had parents who claim to be wise and successful in their parenting tell me that they don’t think sex education for their little darlings is appropriate. Somehow this notion exists that if you teach your kids about it, it is condoning those actions. Like you're giving them permission to go out and be as promiscuous as they want.
Well, I’ve got news for you folks.Your kids are thinking about it, and are doing it, anyway, and there isn’t a fucking thing you can do to stop that from happening. Go sit in a mall for a while and discreetly catch some of the conversations your kids are having with their friends. You’ll learn all sorts of stuff.
This has to be said: Sexual relations with and between minors are illegal for a reason. I am not advocating it. One of the most important things parents can do is to instruct their kids in what is legal, what is safe, what is smart, and what is responsible.
Yeah, it is embarrassing, because sexual feelings are among one's most private thoughts, and opening that window opens a flood gate of emotions. Which is the way it’s meant to be. Sexuality is indeed closely tied to emotional health.
But how embarrassing is it compared to the public humiliation of having your children proven sexually irresponsible in a court of law, or even in the court of public opinion? If people in your neighborhood or your local school district were to reveal that they knew all about your child’s sexual exploits, even though you’re still personally claiming some type of moral high ground, how would that really make you feel?
Earlier I mentioned sex education. It’s pretty clear to me that sex education in our schools doesn’t even begin to go far enough to address the core issues.
Sex is about (at least) two things: it’s about helping to establish a relationship-building trust between two individuals, and it’s about pleasure.
If society, and by extension our schools, taught that there are several ways to responsibly promote sexual satisfaction, we could absolutely wipe out unplanned pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, and all that goes with them. Teach kids about erogenous zones. Teach them about how to satisfy their partner without actual 'pro-creational' intercourse. Teach them how to talk (and listen) to each other about what they like and what they want. It’s not only possible, it’s preferable, and it is really, really enjoyable. Trust me.
Face it – we all want to get our rocks off once in a while. It’s therapeutic; it feels good. There are too many people trying to control our lives who don’t do that, and you can tell right away who they are. Some of the most uptight (and dangerous) people I see are the abstinence-only advocates. I’ve witnessed the dangers of that type of denial first-hand. It is playing with fire.
So take sex for what it is – it’s natural, and it is pleasurable. But it is also something that you need to be smart about. Read, study, and talk (and listen), as much as you can. You’ll thank yourself, and each other (to paraphrase Jerry Springer).;-)
Musician, Nature Enthusiast, Pundit, and Liberal Political Junkie. Native of South Dakota. Studied music under Dr. Darwin Walker and many other fine teachers at SDSU in the '70's. Toured the world for 6 years in the Army Band system, living and performing in Missouri, Virgina, Germany, Kansas, Chicago, and Seoul. Lived, worked, and performed in Manitowoc County, Wisconsin for 20 years. Moved to Iowa in 2006, and then East Central Minnesota in 2015. I gladly and professionally perform all styles of music on low brass and bass guitar; and yes, I am currently for hire. If you want the best and you can afford me, I'm your guy.